Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Next Adventure...Hopefully

It's been three weeks since I left the beatiful tropical island of Hawaii and walked into the unimagiably cold Michgan. It's been great to see family and friends that I have been away from for the past five months and share with them what God has done in my life. Although it has been hard leaving behind the awesome people that I had met an became so close with during my YWAM DTS. Before I left Hawaii God had presented an awesome opportunity in front of me. God has just recently given YWAM Ships a new base down in Panama and they have a ship over in Sanfransicso California that they want to get down to the new base down in Panama. The reason they want to get the  boa down to Panama is because it is right in the middle of isolated indigeoness indians that are basically unreached given their remoteness.  The base is perfectly located to reach them with boats all within a couple of days sail. Currently   trying to reach them you have to drive 3 days in a four wheeled drive vehicle and then hike in a few days to reach them as there are no roads.  With the ship the boat can pull right alongside them drop the anchor and minister to them for as long as needed only returning to base for more provisions and medial supplies. The  opportunity placed in front of me is jumping on the boat in Sanfransicso and helping crew the boat all they way down to Panama. Im still in need about $900 before I would head out in the beginning of April for the work I'll be helping with on the boat in. If you feel called to donate you can donate to: 
Or you can go to the donate tab and click on the link there to donate!
Prayer  is another big thing that is needed as I go into this. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.