Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Adventure has Begun

A month ago I boarded an airplane headed to Kona, Hawaii to begin an awsome adventure following Jesus's calling for this new chapter of my life. leaving behind the life I have know for the past 18 years of my life, for 5 months steping into the blind unknown of the world out side of my little bubble. I've joind a program called YWAM Ship, witch is a missionary training school through the Univeristy of the Nations.
     Since I've been down here God has totally rocked my world. With in the past few years i've struggled with doubting God. I questioned weather or not God was real or not, I struggled with never hearing God, never getting any signs from him, or never feeling God. It came to a point where  I knew that God exsisted but a relationship with him was just a distant thought that I felt that I could never have. After struggling to decided what to do with life I came acrossed YWAM or Youth with A Mission as I started to look into the programs that their school, University of the Nations, offered I came acrossed YWAM Ships dicipleship training school. The second I saw it I knew that thats what I was going to do. I had always had a passion for sailing and boats, and I had know clue what to do in life so instead of going to college I decided to come down to Hawaii to sail and do missions work. With in the fisrt coupe of weeks I struggled with not really having a realtionship with God. I felt like I had to have a super deep relationship with God, and I was no where near to having that. The third week we had a speaker that spoke about the fears that we have in life and how those fears are lies and that God can take those fears away. He had us all take those fears and write them down on boxed and take them out to smash the boxes and smash those fears. Before we smashed the boxes we had to say what our biggest fears where and then we had to tell the truth about those fears that we can find from God. My biggest fears was that I would never have a relationship with God and that I will always doubt God. The truth that I said to it was that god is real and that he will be there when I open up my heart to start a relationship with him. After I said that the speaker ask me if I was ready to open up my heart to a relationship with God. I knew that it was time I knew that it was time to let go of those fears and let go of those doubts and that I could truly have a relationship with God. In the weeks since I fully committed my life to God I've been so amazed by him I've still had my struggles and some times getting down on my self because I still don't feel or hear god but its ok because I know that God is there and that I can relay on him.
  I'm excited to see what God has in store for me for the rest of this adventure and the rest of my life. A few weeks ago I found out that for the outreach part of my discipleship training school that I will be heading to Cambodia for 2 months to do missionary work. I'm going to be on a team of 11 other people in my class.  We are not sure yet of what exactly what we will be doing but there is a possibility of us working with orphans, mercy ministry, and sex trafficking. The biggest prayer request that I have is that God will continue preparing my heart for Cambodia and for finances to come through.  I'm not sure yet how much the full trip will be but by Friday I need 2,500 to cover my plane tickets. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.
If you feel God calling you to support me you can go to:
Selected outreach phase funds and please put that its for Courtney De Weese in the box that
Says details concerning your donations and payments. 
If you feel called to sent a checks please  make all checks payable to “YWAM Ships Orange County” and put a note saying that it is for Courtney DeWeese in the Ships DTS and mail to:
YWAM Ships Kona
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy #260

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